Our Christmas Wish List
- Toyota Pickup/Tacoma/T-100 (haha) V6, 4x4, 5 spd
- LumberLiquidators.com Gift Cards
- Walmart Gift Cards
- IKEA Gift Cards
- Lowes Gift Cards (please no Home Depot)
- Target Gift Cards
- Bed Bath & Beyond Gift Cards
Tracy Renee...
Make your own Countdown Clocks
Sunday, September 23, 2007
cute, fluffy kittens!!!
Do you think that when I brought two adorable kittens over, they would only be able to choose one? Nope! Now, they have 2 new kittens. An orange, fluffy, playful boy named "Baby" by Alex, and a calico, fluffy, shy girl named "Smokey" by Kristy. Well, when my mom got home, boy was she suprised! She decided to let them be indoor cats...lol (BTW Ken is allergic)... It was really funny...
Later that night, we went shopping at Wal-Mart for all the things little kittens need: food, food/water bowls (they each got their own), cat litter, and a scratching post/play tower.
Mark and I went back over to my Mom's to play with the kittens and their new toy. We made toys for them by tying things to the ends of shoe strings.
Baby was very playful, but Smokey was very timid. It was really loud, and I think Kristina scared her. She did like to cuddle in the cuddle blankets though.
Posted by Michelle at 2:50 PM 4 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007
What's happening in my world...
So...school started and I've been busy busy busy!!! I have classes monday & wednesday from 11am-140pm, tuesday from 930am-310pm, thursday from 930am-12pm and 2pm-310pm, and friday from 2pm-310pm...Not to mention, I have been working 5 days a week... Well, I'm putting a stop to that... I found out that I don't have enough time for homework if I only have 2 days off... Now, I'm hoping for 3-4 days off... we will see though... I don't know if there are enough girls at work for that to happen.
Here are the classes I have: Managerial Accounting, C++ Programming, Multivariate Calculus, Probability, and Math Proofs & Structures... sounds fun, doesn't it? lol C++ is quite easy so far! It's fun to make programs! lol Multivariate Calculus is getting to be very time consuming and stressful, seeing that the professor doesn't give good lectures (and speaks broken english with a thick accent), and that the class is in 3D and 4D and higher dimensions...which are really difficult to imagine!!! bah humbug... oh well... I will get through it!
You all can come see me at the MEGA Fri, Sat, or Sunday (usually after 5)...and you get to have some YUMMY food!
My life isn't very exciting, but Alisha's sure is! lol Moving to Hawaii!! I'm packing myself in Ben's car when it is shipped there lol!
I don't have any new pictures...I broke my camera...dropped it a few too many times and the lens part is loose... we can use Mark's new cell phone to take pictures for now...well until next time... this has been an adventure of michelle and mark haha
Posted by Michelle at 1:26 AM 2 comments
Everyone else...
Our little man14 years ago
My Friday Night!!!15 years ago
Christopher's first trip home.16 years ago
July 4th on Lake Fenton16 years ago
Daddy Daughter Dance 200817 years ago