Mi familia

Love at 1st sight...

Make your own Countdown Clocks



Our Christmas Wish List

  • Toyota Pickup/Tacoma/T-100 (haha) V6, 4x4, 5 spd
  • Gift Cards
  • Walmart Gift Cards
  • IKEA Gift Cards
  • Lowes Gift Cards (please no Home Depot)
  • Target Gift Cards
  • Bed Bath & Beyond Gift Cards

Tracy Renee...

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Friday, November 30, 2007


look closely...

<(.)> <(.)>

Oh my goodness! I found my SECOND grey hair! How depressing! I found the first one in July... :( I only find them when my roots start to show...

There they are, sticking out like a sore thumb!!! The pictures only look like it is an inch long, but that is all my hair has grown since the end of september(the last time I dyed it)...the rest is brown...

I am only 20! grey is not fabulous at 20!! Who started going grey at 20? Come on, admit it... Grandma doesn't even have grey hair... it's blonde! ;) lol (That should get me a good Christmas present lol)

Now begins the dying of my hair fooorEEEvvvveeeer!

Okay, I'm over it... lol until the next time my roots grow out... and I pluck another grey hair! I'm not going to have any hair left if I have to pluck out all the grey ones! lol

I only have ONE more week of fall classes!! yay! then a week of finals!!! I am super excited! I have registered for the winter semester and am much more excited for that semester! I am taking BUS 261-Fianancial Management (online), MTH 220-Elementary Linear Algebra (MW 1230-145pm), MTH 378-Theory of Interest (TTH 2-315pm), ECN 354-Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (TTH 1230-145pm), and CSC 152-Database Management (online)... I only have to go to campus for 3 classes and NO friday classes!!

Me and the how they've grown! awe!

oh yeah, and so today ends the dear season with out a deer... no venison dip yet Tracy! but there are too many does, so we get another season! yay! dec 18-31, I think...hey! maybe I'll go out and try to get one of my own... ha! who am I kidding... lol well, you never know! ;)

Friday, November 23, 2007


There is a great need for more blogger templates! I need to learn some HTML programming and get to it, huh? lol... I need one that is more like alisha and ben's...with out the middle part...just the whole page... It would look prettier that way! If anyone knows where to get a new template or how to code html let me know! I'm sure I could figure it out if I tried hard enough... all programming languages are pretty close...and I know 2.25 (, c++, and 1/4 of a semester of java lol) just short and sweet today... ohh, where can I buy silver spray paint? walmart? I have to be awake at 7 and I can't seem to fall asleep... goin shopping but not for the really good deals ... maybe i'll see you out! ciao

Sunday, November 18, 2007

What's happening in our lives lately

The man in hunting gear!
So, we have been kinda busy doing our own things lately. I've been working and trying to make it to class at 11 am lol... Mark has been bonding with my dad i.e. hunting for my dinner! mmm venison! and he has been working too. So, not much time together lately. I only have class on Monday and Tuesday next week, so we are going to spend some time together on Wednesday! I'm taking him shopping lol!
I am up late researching EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique?). I remember it from stopping in the store and browsing through KT's (Kevin Trudeau) "Weight Loss Cure..." book... I don't feel like buying it... so I only get bits and pieces at a time. It is a neat, goofy procedure. But I am going to try it on everything that is an "issue." The idea has to do with energy meridians of the body. You repeat things and tap yourself. Something you probably want to do alone. lol If you go to you tube, you can search EFT and many videos come up. I like the one by ailaspeaks. She has it on her website: ... She goes through it step-by-step. So, this is a challenge for you Mom and Dad. You can use it to quit smoking! We will do it together, you guys to quit smoking and me to stop craving pizza and nachos lol!
BTW, is this color okay for your eyes Grandma? I'll try to use darker colors for you.

As I mentioned, we are going shopping on Wednesday. I plan on getting a Christmas outfit. I found this really cute dress at Forever 21. I'll have to take lots of pictures since we're doing Christmas in Indiana. I'll bring hope pictures of all his cute nieces and nephews! Ohh, I need every one's addresses. I have to make a hard copy of my address book so that I don't have to keep asking for them every year, huh? Maybe this will be the year. lol

Aunt Denise, we need a day for pictures! We can do Wednesday... when I get home from the mall... we should do them in a store in front of a blow up Santa lol j/k I wish I could put music on here. wouldn't it be nice to look at my blog while listening to Christmas music?! I know, perfect, right? My thoughts are so scattered lol But that is to be expected at 4 am! lol That probably means it's time for some shut eye. Buenas Noches! Here are some pretty pictures:
A beautiful close up of a lilac!

A beautiful orchid!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

the new site

I am hoping you all are enjoying the new blog...
I've been procrastinating on my other things to do while upgrading it lol!
Make sure you check out all my new features I've added/updated:
I changed the layout to a pink layout,
Added a picture of an orchid behind the blog title,
My favorite love quote from the bible,
A picture of us,
A countdown to Christmas,
A count up since Mark and I've been together,
A cute little I love you clip art,
Our Christmas Wish Lists,
A "Love is..." comic,
and the link to everyone else's blogs!

Wow, that is a whole makeover! Make sure to comment about it!

We haven't been up to much. Mark has been working and preparing for Thursday. For all of you in the dark, wondering, "What is happening Thursday?" ...It is open gun season for deer! My dad has gotten Mark into the hunting thing. They bond over it! *how cute!* lol We are hoping to have some venison in time for Thanksgiving! mmmmm! How about some venison dip Tracy? lol {priceless}...

I have been just schooling every day and working Friday through Monday. I have just under a month of classes left! yay!!! I am so excited! I know, I love school and all, but It is nice to be done with another semester! It's like achieving a mini-goal. I'm hoping to pull-off the dean's list, but that multivariate calc class needs to get easier! lol I'm t

hinking about taking some Japanese or another foreign language to fill gaps in my schedule. Next semester, these are the classes I have planned:

BUS 361(online) Financial Management

CSC152(online) Database Management i.e. Microsoft Access

MTH220 Elementary Linear Algebra

MTH 378 Theory of Interest

ECN 354 Interemediate Macroeconomic Theory

Even with the two online classes, I have to be on campus 4 days a week; for one class on Mon/Wed and for two on Tue/Thur. But on the good side, I don't have to be awake super early (as I am not the morning person...I am an angry person too early!)... I'm pretty sure the earliest class is 1230pm! yay! Well, it is 2 am and I have class at 11 so I should wrap it up... Buenas Noches!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Keith Urban!! ;)

Last night Me, Mark, Mom, Ken, Debbe, Tommy, Keith, Pam, Auntie Karen, Auntie Rose, Karen, and another girl (I don't know her name) went to see Keith Urban in concert!! It was lots of fun!
We had a suite up in the top, and he looked like an ant, but there was a big screen so we could see him lol!

I was going to include a video of "Making Memories of us" but an error about the video popped won't upload! :( ... When I figure out how to fix it I'll post it later...

I've included some pictures of Keith Urban for all you girls to drool over... lol I made sure I made them as big as they go for you! lol Plus, they are of him on the big screen or else he would be really tiny!

Don't you just love me for taking so many pictures?! Go ahead, save them to your computer...blow them up...cut out the eye holes...and make you husbands wear his face as a mask lol!

Btw...I get to go get my stiches out on Tuesday!! yay! They itch like crazy! But it hurts when I itch! I woke up clawing myself raw the other day... that wasn't the best idea I've done in my sleep before lol...
So this week I don't have much going on... I have a few exams next week... and only a month left of classes!!! Five semesters down, 3-5 (depending on if I take spring/summer classes)...
Here is my 3 year plan:
Take and PASS my first 2 actuary exams.
Find an internship in my field. (summer 2008/2009)
Finish my degree. (december 2009 or april 2010)
Move to Chicago. (soon after I graduate and get hired into my field)
Start grad school. (fall 2010)