We had a great time for Christmas! Mark and I got to spend time with his family (me mostly with the kids and him with his mom) during Christmas and my family a few days before. The worst part had to be the driving; it's a 3.5 hr trip there! Oh, and the awful air matress we bought to sleep on...that is definitely going back to Walmart! Too bad we didn't have enough time to go other places like Arizona or Hawaii or Texas! My mom has a new cell phone now, so you all should be able to talk to her with out the phone dieing! yay...
Oh I guess I thought of another bad part, I got the flu at the end of Christmas and still have it... stay away from me (unless you want fever, shakes, chills, nausia, headache, stiff neck, no appetite, etc lol)... oh and don't eat at mega for awhile... I went to work today and breathed on everything (not on purpose though) lol :/ and I work on friday and saturday... :( but i go to the doc tomorrow! too bad its dr tony...his reason for everything is sinus drainage... too bad I use the sinus rinse so my sinuses are clear! lol
Who wants a diamond? go to mr. z's on miller rd...they go out of business tomorrow, and everything is really really cheap! i was sad that i didn't have enough money though; i could buy pretty diamonds or pay for my car and rent... lol
okay so I shall go to bed, my body needs it's rest and lots of it! hope you enjoyed our pictures and story!