Well, the ENTIRE Kohler Family is headed to the U.P. I'll have to take many pictures of our trip as we drive the 5 hours to get there. I better not forget my camera charger!
It's 5:30 am, and I'm still debating if I'm going to sleep now for a couple hours or not... What do you think? LOL
Yesterday was our 4 year anniversary! woo hoo! lol And we get the weekend to celebrate... well, with many others... It should be fun!
We'll probably get to meet distant family members I've never met. Fun fun! LOL I bet we can drive from here to Newberry with only ONE tank of gas. How 'bout them apples? LOL If you cannot tell, it is past my bed time and I'm goofy and spacey when that happens! HA! NEwho...
Poor Mark had the stomach flu on Monday ick! I had to play doctor, which reminded me that I still want to be one... too bad I hate biology... LOL He lost his voice over Tuesday and Wednesday from coughing... He is getting better though. I am good at taking care of him! Or at least I like to think so! He is better at taking care of me though, since I'm usually the sick one. LOL... anyways... enough about my life... this is on a need to know basis... and you don't need to know anymore... cause if I told you, I would have to kill you (imagine I'm saying that with a spooky, evil accent) hahaha! I'm retarded... buonanotte o buongiorno! aka "good night or good morning!" (I'm learning Italian and more free online!) CIAO
Our Christmas Wish List
- Toyota Pickup/Tacoma/T-100 (haha) V6, 4x4, 5 spd
- LumberLiquidators.com Gift Cards
- Walmart Gift Cards
- IKEA Gift Cards
- Lowes Gift Cards (please no Home Depot)
- Target Gift Cards
- Bed Bath & Beyond Gift Cards
Tracy Renee...
Make your own Countdown Clocks
Friday, April 25, 2008
Vacation Time... Again
Posted by Michelle at 5:34 AM 2 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Just a Quickie! ;)
Just thought I'd let everyone know that the MEGA has Tracy's article posted in the lobby window. Everyone saw it. They all miss her. I asked Zef about it and he remembers her, but still has no idea what my name is! LOL... Lola asks about Tracy and I showed her the article. Cassie says she misses her because she is so much fun! We will have to have a Mega reunion party lol! CIAO!
Posted by Michelle at 11:40 PM 7 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Blog Makeover
The blog was in need of a makeover. I hope you like it. LOL! I've updated the links to everyone else's blogs. They are now listed with when the blog was last updated, in order of most recent.
I'm in need of a makeover as well, haha... It's time for a new hair color! I'll add a new poll to see which color I should choose.
Hmmm... as far as Michelle and Mark are concerned, we've not been doing much lately, except playing our Wii. If you don't have one, we suggest you go get one now; run, don't walk! They are SO much fun! AND a workout! Our arms/shoulders are getting so sore! I have trouble lifting the ice bucket at work! LOL... I added a prettier, count UP of M&M. Only 6 days until our 4 year anniversary! hmmm... wondering what I'll get? lol
We have a vacation coming soon. We are traveling to Newberry! (For those of you that are clueless, that is a city in the UP.) Many of the Kohler family lives up there. We, and MANY MANY others, will be celebrating my Great Aunt Pat and Great Uncle Boyd's 50th Wedding Anniversary! Isn't that nice! I hope it's not too cold! LOL! The drive is +/- 5 hours!! We are HOPING that the Mac Bridge isn't closed for winds! Although, I had a dream that there were 100MPH winds (obviously an exaggeration, but my dreams have been known to be prophetic!)
Good Job Dee on the article for the Tri-County! I will clip it and scrapbook it--as soon as my Cricut arrives... I need to get back into scrapbooking! Who's with me!? LOL!
We should plan a Wii party when Tracy comes home. We can see who is the better bowler! LOL (only on Wii though, I'm AWFUL in real life!) I almost bowled a perfect game, even after I had a FEW to drink! HAHA! Do we have anything planned, yet? I know it's only April, but Mark and I have jobs that like to know in ADVANCE which days off we would like. LOL! Tracy and I have to celebrate our 21st birthdays TOGETHER! Tiaras and ALL! HA! Anyone else can pretend to just be 21 too!
Okay then... It is time for me to try to go to bed. Love you all! CIAO!
Posted by Michelle at 2:07 AM 3 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Just when you were sick of Chicago...
hard rock!
the views through drunk michelle's eye's lol
the view of the city from the shedd aquarium
Kay then, hope you enjoyed this latest installment of Chicago with Michelle and Mark. (hah)
Just in case you guys were wondering when my classes were done:
Create yours at BlingyBlob.com!
Posted by Michelle at 9:48 PM 5 comments
Everyone else...
Our little man14 years ago
My Friday Night!!!15 years ago
Christopher's first trip home.16 years ago
July 4th on Lake Fenton16 years ago
Daddy Daughter Dance 200817 years ago