So, I wanted to write a blog... and I don't really have any new pics... so, I went through and picked out some that I never posted... Make sure you read along, there will be a quiz at the end... haha! (I'm in that back to school mode... blah!)
This is my shirt... isn't it cute... I know it is... haha
This is from the Kid Rock concert in the bar afterwards... Mark looks trashed lol... I look good (I had pissed out all the alcohol by then... lol) 
A double rainbow over the house on aug 10 (apparently)... you can't really tell it's double here... but it was...
So, now that you've looked at the pictures, I can tell my story... I don't really have one... I like to make it up as I go along... Well, school started last week... and I'm already taking xanax lol... 2 more years of this... geez! Can I have a break yet? 2 years is going to turn into 3...4...5 lol... idk what it is about school that stresses me out... maybe b/c I just want it to be OVER already! I'm sick of working at MEGA... I'm so ready to be done there... But we need the $... (since wal*mart obviously doesn't pay mark enough...) As soon as I have 90 credits, I will be out of Mega so fast and sub teaching... Hell, if I end up liking that... I may get into teaching... I'll be an actuary later... lol... Did you know that after T years they forgive x% of student loans?! How cool is that!? (Obviously, being an actuary is meant to be if in my sentences I use variables lol) Anyways...We have given up looking for a house... to buy at least... we figure we will just rent for now, until we decide where we want to be after I graduate. (If I'm going into teaching, I'm moving to Texas... Did you hear that teachers there can now carry!!! Hell yeah!) Wow... that was spontaneous... So, if anyone would like to help us look for rentals... Here is our criteria:- Can be house or apt or condo or townhouse
- UNDER $500/month
- NOT in Flint
- Prefer Grand Blanc, Burton, Swartz Creek
- Maybe Davison or Mt. Morris or Flushing
- We would like 2 Bedrooms
- Washer and Dryer in unit or hookups
- Demographics of area...
- A/C is a MUST
- dog friendly is good, but not necessary until we find our pup! lol
We found a nice townhouse in GB...2br/1.5ba with a basement, but they don't answer the phone... and the office hrs are 9-5 and we got there at 4 and they were closed... idk... maybe they don't want our $$... well i wrote some other stuff but it got deleted and i forgot what it was... oh well.. buenas noches