So it is time to say goodbye to my hampster, Princess. I listed her on yesterday, and an interested party contacted me today about her... So, I think tomorrow he will come and get her. awww lets take this time to remember her... 
<--A Close Up
trying to escape...she likes to think she can climb the glass!
Other than that, I've just been packing...we have ran out of boxes though, so Mark needs to bring some home from work. He says he tried to bring some home last night, but someone stole them. LOL! I think I am going to get my hair cut I shall have Mark take some picture of me doing that so you all can see! yay!
We don't have much going on...I only have 2 more days of working at Sears! Maybe next week we will go to the beach one last time and have some pictures from that! On the 4th we are going to visit Mark's family! Yay! His nieces and nephews are so cute! I'll have to get pictures of them too! Time for bed! Buenas noches todos! Maybe I'll write a special blog in Spanish for you all to figure out some time! I need to keep up the practice! LOVE YOU GUYS!
hi princess, bye princess. craigslist huh? good job on finding a new home for her. ran out of boxes? now you are going to scare you mom...and anyone else that is helping in the move.
love dee
Oh yeah, definitely a Spanish one. I need the practice too. Someone asked me the other day if Charley and I were studying Spanish and I said, "Si" and they bust out laughing. I didn't think it was THAT funny.
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