Enjoy some pictures of our first day.
awww... I look cute... Mark, open your eyes!
haha ... don't ask... I was waiting for waters and got creative... 
I think we were dancing?
sweet ass spiral leopard staircase and me!
dancing again... cut off mom's head oops... 
1 tequilla(aka sex on the beach)... 
"Hey, It's empty?!"
2 tequilla(aka red headed slut)...
Hard Rock makes a better one than Excalibur
3 tequilla(aka appletini then mai tai)...
HAHAHA We had WAY too much FUN Wednesday night/Thursday early! Check back soon for more of our trip!!!
Ok that was funky. Like the staircase the best. way cool. and then the floor picture, that was good. thanks for sharing..can't wait to see pictures of the blue man group....love aunt dee
Oh you are funny, a good thing I talked to you twice while you were in Chicago so I know just how bad it was,, unless you were fakeing it ????So glad it was a good time.
Love you
Awesome trip. Wish I was there. Happy Birthday!
Good times!!! Tequila makes my clothes come off!!! Happy Brithday and Happy Easter!!!
wow looks like you had a blast! well good you were legal to drink haha.
Ok where is Part 2 I have been waiting!! I heard that it was too naughty to publish!! YOU ARE A BAD GIRL!!
my computer is breaking on me all the time... and ive been busy with tests this week...ill do it right now lol or not
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