Kristina is up to bat! Run, Kristy, RUN!
It was cold, and I didn't have a blanket... so we sat in the car. Check out the zoom on my camera! Better keep them blinds closed at night! I could be a paparazzi! Oh, BTW... that's Alex # 9!
Kristy's 1st Communion! Just sisters... I couldn't decide if I wanted to super impose Alisha or put a wig on Mark... (he didn't like that idea) LOL! I'm lazy so I did neither! I look CUTE! Love my new top!
Kristy with Mom and Ken
NEW HAIR!!! I added side bangs, a bunch of layers, and a trim... It's still pretty long, but there are many short layers... I miss my long hair...oh well, it will be long by mid summer again!
Okay you've been updated from April 25th-May 7th... well basically... more happened, but it's a secret... and if we told you, we'd have to kill you... lol CIAO BUONANOTTE!
oh thank u shell. i had a little tear because i'm so far away. your mom doesn't need a blog of her own, she's got a wonderful daughter with her own camera and writing and computer skills. thank you!! you look fab at the church. love the new top. love aunt dee
and love the pictue of the bridge. very postcard beautiful
okay thanks for the comment! i will only post blogs for you from now on... you are the only one who leaves me comments! :( lol
ok well yea you should have superimposed me instead of a wig on mark. but neither is fine. so your hair looks good like that, and im glad you put some pictures of the girls at baseball i told mom i wanted pictures but she hasnt sent me any. well you need to make mom a blog. haha that would be nice.
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