So, I just figured out that I only need 7 more classes to graduate. How freaking awesome is that!? If I could take them all in one semester, I would...LOL! But one is a prereq for another... so I get like two easy last semesters. I thought I had like 10 classes, but my advisor moved stuff around, and it's perfect! Now, I need to start gathering documents for grad school applications. It's so nice to have the end in sight... So, thank God, my life is coming together. It was just a matter of finding the right place, and I know I'm in the right place here. As soon as we moved here, everything began falling together for us. It's amazing! We are buying a home, I'm finishing my degree, I'm getting ready for grad school, and I will be preparing to teach (hopefully). Although, Mark is still at Walmart... So, I guess he still needs a better job.... Just thought I'd bragg... lol Love you guys! We will definitely have a house warming party once we move... I'll be sending out invites when it's time...
Our Christmas Wish List
- Toyota Pickup/Tacoma/T-100 (haha) V6, 4x4, 5 spd
- Gift Cards
- Walmart Gift Cards
- IKEA Gift Cards
- Lowes Gift Cards (please no Home Depot)
- Target Gift Cards
- Bed Bath & Beyond Gift Cards
Tracy Renee...
Make your own Countdown Clocks
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Narrowing it down...
So, we have narrowed our house hunt down to 9 homes...
You can see that we deleted some that were on our previous list, and we have added one that we really like.
Although, we are still trying to work everthing out so that we can get Bleck, we want votes for a runner up...
Also, The list of links is now sorted by our favorites.
Mi padre is coming this weekend to check out some with us, so that should be helpful. I'm going to take pics of the heating system at Bleck, so that maybe Uncle Dewight can answer some questions (if we have any left after my Dad's inspection).
Well, off to take the dog for a walk while I have time between rain showers...
Posted by Michelle at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Which house should we choose?
We have narrowed our search to 14 houses. Click the links in the list above the poll to see details for each house. If it wants you to sign in, use Then, once you have reviewed each property, go ahead and vote for your favorite! Please! We want your help!
Posted by Michelle at 1:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Love at first sight... a home that is...
Okay, so I totally LOVE this house. It is foreclosed. It started at $82,500 and has went down $5000 to $77,500 in about a week. Motivated? I'd say so (at least we HOPE so... LOL). Well, here it is: (comments are definitely necessary for viewing... lol)
Posted by Michelle at 1:28 AM 3 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The Home Buying Roller Coaster
So, buying a home is like a roller coaster... LOL! We were preapproved, then we weren't, now we are... let's just cross our fingers that it stays that way... I think we are running out of lenders... LOL! Going to look at homes next week... (if our realtor calls us... errr!) We will take lots of pics and you can vote! lol School and work are going well... Dog is doing fine...
Love and Miss you all!!
Posted by Michelle at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Everyone else...
Our little man14 years ago
My Friday Night!!!15 years ago
Christopher's first trip home.16 years ago
July 4th on Lake Fenton16 years ago
Daddy Daughter Dance 200817 years ago